ENM Environmental Initiatives Fund (Large 24/25)

This is a preview of the Large Grants 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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ENM Environmental Initiatives Fund - Large Grants Application

* indicates a required field.


The main purpose of the grant is to support community initiatives that align with priorities of both PNCC and ENM to improve environmental outcomes for Palmerston North City. Grants will be available to projects taking place within the City boundaries as stipulated by Palmerston North City Council.

ENM will set the funding priorities each year based on identified priorities of the network and its partners.  

Applications may be made for Large Grants (from $1,000 to $12,000, exclusive of GST). 

See the ENM Environmental Initiatives Fund guidelines for more information.

For help, contact Kerry Jaques at admin@enm.org.nz or 06 355 0126, or drop into ENM's offices at 145 Cuba Street.

Contact Details

Name of organisation's contact for your environmental initiative. Please ensure that full contact details are provided. Notification about funding will go to this contact.
Name of the organisation applying for funds and delivering the initiative.
Must be a New Zealand phone number. 
Must be an email address. 
Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 
Are you using an umbrella organisation for bank account purposes? * Required
An umbrella organisation may be reuired if your organisation does not have a bank account number. If yes, provide details below.
Include umbrella organisation name, contact email and phone number
Please provide the organisation's bank account number and the name of the account. This will be the bank account the funding is paid into should the funding application be successful. You can provide the bank account details of an umbrella organisation if your organisation does not have a bank account.
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Provide a copy of your bank statement or a deposit slip which shows your organisation's bank account details. Provide this information for your umbrella organisation if you are using an umbrella organisation

    Organisation Details

    Required if your organisation has legal status (e.g., Registered Charity, Incorporated Society, Registered Company etc.). Answer 'n/a' if your organisation has no legal status. Applications from legal entities are preferred.
    The Charity Registration Number provided will be used to look up the following information.
    Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the Charity Registration Number correctly.
    New Zealand Charities Register Information
    Reg Number
    Legal Name
    Other Names
    Reg Status
    Charity's Street Address
    Charity's Postal Address
    Reg Date
    Must be formatted correctly. 
    The NZBN provided will be used to look up the following information.
    Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the NZBN correctly.
    New Zealand Companies Register Information
    Entity Name
    Registration Date
    Entity Status
    Entity Type
    Registered Address
    Office Address
    Must be formatted correctly. 
    If organisation is registered for GST purposes.

    Organisation's Financial Statements

    Groups or organisations must provide a copy of their latest financial statements. This can be a copy of the audited accounts, an income and expenditure statement or a copy of the unaudited management accounts. These do not include bank statements or cash books.

    Please note, if you do not provide the correct financial information for your organisation, your application may be deemed ineligible.

    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Have these accounts been audited? * Required
      Response required.
      Does your organisation have any tagged funding or reserves for other purposes * Required

      Conflicts of interest

      Are you aware of any conflicts of interest which could affect this application? * Required

      Environmental Initiative Overview

      Is the initiative new or part of an ongoing initiative? * Required
      Word count:
      Must be no more than 100 words. 
      Where is your initiative going to be completed? Note that it must take place within Palmerston North City boundaries.
      Must be a date and no earlier than 31/5/2025. What date do you intend to start your initiative by?
      Must be a date. What date do you plan to complete your initiative by? Date must be no later than 12 months after your start date.
      Must be a number. 

      Environmental Initiative Details

      This section on the form is to provide details regarding the initiative.


      Why are you doing this? What is going to change from the status-quo by implementing your initiative?
      Which priority is your initiative aligned with? * Required
      Response required.Response required.
      Can be more than one priority.
      What do you want the funding for?
      How will you do it? How will you achieve the objectives of the initiative? Describe the project plan.
      Are you collaborating with hapū/iwi,other community groups, NGO's, schools etc.?
      Will your initiative go ahead? Will your initiative proceed with other sources of funding? Will you have to modify the scope of your initiative?


      Tell us about the people in your organisation who are going to deliver the initiative. Their ability to deliver. How may people will be working on the initiative?

      Environmental Benefits

      What are the benefits of implementing your initiative? What outputs or changes in the status-quo will be delivered? What environmental outcomes will result from implementing your initiative? What community need are you meeting? How do you know this is needed?


      Are you GST registered? * Required
      Response required.
      Must be a dollar amount and between 1000 and 12000. Applicants registered for GST should not include GST in the amount of funding requested. Applicants not registered for GST should include GST in the amount of funding requested.
      Do you currently receive funding from PNCC? * Required
      If Yes, please provide details below.
      Have you received funding from ENM in the past two years? * Required
      If yes, please provide details below.


      If you already have an Excel budget for this event, please upload it here. Otherwise, please fill out the budget template below.

      Attach a file: Select stored file


        Please set out the costs for the entire initiative in the table below. This may include staff-related costs. 

        If you have quotes (recommended for items over $1,000) please upload these in the supporting information section below.

        ExpenditureAmountDo you want ENM to fund this item (Yes/No)?
        Must be a dollar amount. 

        Must be at least 8 rows

        This number/amount is calculated. Do not overwrite.


        Work out the income for the entire project in the below table. Remember to include support in kind as listed in your expenditure table above.

        Must be a dollar amount. 

        Must be at least 8 rows

        This number/amount is calculated. Do not overwrite.

        Expenditure - income

        This number/amount is calculated. If the box is not showing "0.00", you need to adjust your Expenditure in Section 11 or Income in Section 13. Do not overwrite.

        Supporting Information

        If you have any additional material you would like us to refer to, please enter it in the sections below. This is not a requirement.

        Quotes from suppliers or service providers are not mandatory, but are encouraged as they will add weight to your application.

        Attach a file: Select stored file

          Application process

          In submitting this application, did you receive support from ENM in the pre-application process? * Required
          If you answered Yes to the previous question, how satisfied are you with the support you received from ENM to submit your application?

          Terms of Agreement

          If this application is successful, I/we agree to:

          • complete the initiative as outlined in this application (or request permission in writing from the ENM EIF Administrator for any significant change to the initiative)
          • complete and submit a report for the initiative within two months after completion of the initiative (using the report template provided on Smarty Grants)
          • return any unspent funding
          • keep receipts and a record of all expenditure for seven years
          • participate in any funding audit of my organisation or initiative conducted by ENM
          • I/we consent to ENM recording the personal contact details provided in this application, retaining and using these details, and disclosing them to PNCC for the purpose of evaluating the ENM EIF
          • I/we understand that my/our name, brief details and images relating to the initiative may be released to the media or appear in publicity material
          • I/we undertake that I/we have obtained the consent of all people involved to provide these details. I/we understand that I/we have the right to have access to this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
          • I/we undertake that, if successful, I/we will acknowledge the funding on our social media and/or website, and in our Annual Report.
          Do you accept the terms of agreement outlined above? * Required
          If you tick No to this question, your application will be ineligible for funding.


          You must agree to the below statements before submitting your application: * Required
          Response required.Response required.
          At least 3 choices must be selected.