Arts Heart 2024

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Arts Heart Educational Development Project Scheme

* indicates a required field.


The Palmerston North Performing Arts Trust is pleased to be able to offer the Arts Heart Educational Development Project Scheme to provide funding for a performing arts organisation to run an educational development project aimed at encouraging and educating talented young performing artists at emerging and advanced levels in the Palmerston North region.

The Scheme is administered by the Palmerston North City Council, on behalf of the Palmerston North Performing Arts Trust.

The maximum funding for a project will be $5,000.


  1. The successful project will be a workshop, master-class, 'summer-school' or other educational opportunity targeted at a specific performing arts discipline.
  2. The project will be designed to encourage and educate young talent at the following levels:
    • Emerging level - to inspire those with some ability and motivate them to strive for excellence.
    • Advanced level - to provide mentoring opportunities and further enhance the abilities of those already achieving giving them the opportunity to perform alongside professionals.
  3. Participants will come from the Palmerston North region.
  4. The project will be held in the Palmerston North region and feature recognised professionals as tutors.
  5. The project may culminate in a public performance.
  6. The successful project should be completed by 30 June 2025.
  7. Any surplus of income over expenditure or unspent funds will be returned to the Trust for redistribution in accordance with the Trust's policies.
  8. Successful recipients will be required to report back to the Trust on the outcomes of their project.
  9. All decisions of the Trust will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact Natalya Kushnirenko on 06 356 8199 during business hours or email

Name and contact details

Response required.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Applicant name" on page 1

Must be a New Zealand postcode. 
Must be a New Zealand postcode. 
Must be an email address. All correspondence will be sent to the above email or postal address.
Must be a New Zealand phone number. 
Ethnicity of applicant/group * Required
Response required.
You can select multiple options
Please give further detail about your ethnicity, eg. Pacific Peoples, Detail: Samoan
Are you available to speak to Trustees in support of your application, if required? * Required
How did you hear about the Arts Heart Educational Development Project Scheme?

Project details

For example, dance
Include details of the course, workshop, master-class or other form of tuition you are planning including who will attend, the costs of the project and the amount requested.
Include details of the qualifications and experience of the course tutor / teacher.
Must be a date and no later than 30/6/2024. 
Must be a number. 
Please remember the purpose of the Scheme is to educate and encourage young performing artists at emerging and advanced levels.
eg. the involvement of any Elected Member or Council staff member in the organisation or group

Project costs

How much will your project cost?
(Failure to provide adequate financial information could jeopardise your application).

Please provide full budget details (use a separate sheet if necessary), eg. venue hire, materials / equipment hire, advertising / promotion, tutor / teacher fees, other (please specify). 


Must be at least 10 rows

This number/amount is calculated. 

Project income

How much money will you contribute to the project?
(GST exclusive figures please)

Write down all the income you will get for your project from course fees / charges, cash in hand or already spent on the project, donated material, other sponsors / grants, other fundraising (estimate).




Must be at least 6 rows

This number/amount is calculated. 

Budget summary

This number/amount is calculated. 
a dollar amount 

Supporting information

If you have any additional material you would like us to refer to, please enter it below. This is not a requirement.

Attach a file: Select stored file


    Before submitting your application, complete this checklist * Required
    Response required.Response required.


    Pursuant to the Privacy Act 2020, relevant information pertaining to successful recipients and their achievements may be used to promote any aspect of the aims and/or activities of the Palmerston North Performing Arts Trust, and will be added to the Alumni database.

    Response required.
    Must be a date.